首页> 中文期刊>内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >国家与资本主义的起源--《资本论》教学中对资本原始积累理论的思考




国家与资本之间存在着天然的联系,资本的原始积累并不是社会生产力自然发展的结果,而是借助于国家的作用实现的:一方面,国家运用有组织的暴力,通过掠夺式贸易、海盗式劫掠、殖民征服,以及奴隶贸易等手段,促成了货币财富的大量积累;另一方面,国家通过暴力剥夺农民土地,强制使劳动者与生产资料分离,通过制定残酷立法迫使劳动者进入雇佣劳动市场,从而为资本主义生产方式的建立创造了必不可少的物质前提。国家作为一种“经济力”,其作用贯穿于资本的形成过程,它极大地加速了封建生产方式向资本主义生产方式的过渡,资本主义生产方式正是在国家这一内在推动力的作用下产生的。%There is a natural connection between the country and the capital .Capital primitive accumu-lation is not the result of natural development of the social productivity but of the implementation by the role of the country ,on the one hand the country use organized violence w hich led to massive accumulation of monetary wealth throughpredatory trade ,pirate plunder ,colonization Conquest ,and the slave trade and other means ,on the other hand the country separate the labor and means of production with force through deprivation of farmers'land by violence ,thus created the material premise for the establishment of the cap-italist mode of roduction by making cruel legislation to force workers to enter the labor market .As an eco-nomic force ,the country effects on the formation process of capital and greatly accelerates the transition process of the feudal mode of production to the capitalist mode of production .The capitalist mode of pro-duction is produced right by the internal force w hich is the state .



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