首页> 中文期刊>湖州师范学院学报 >社会秩序之“善”与主体之“德”的融通*--荀子人性论新探




荀子人性论具有双重维度,即欲望之性与认知之性。其性恶论指向欲望之性,且是针对过度纵欲导致社会偏险悖乱而作出的利害权衡判断,并不是传统所认为的针对人生而有欲所作出的价值判断。仁义被确认的内在根据是认知之性,但先天的认知能力是价值中立的。价值的大本大源乃是使社会正理平治的“礼义”,而“礼义”所代表的社会秩序之“善”内化为主体之“德”,取决于认知之性的“化性而起伪”。“化性而起伪”乃是“化”人的认知之性,即化心;而非传统所认为的“化”欲望之性。%The Human Nature Theory of Xun Zi has two different dimensions:the desires and the cognition .The theory “human nature is evil”just refers to the desires.It’s not a valuable judgment on which traditional opinion insists,but an interest judgment based on the experience fact that indulging desires leads to the disorder of the society.Benevolence could be verified according to the cognition,but the innate cognition ability is of value neutrality.The source of value is “Li i”by which society could be harmonious and orderly.By means of cognition,the goodness of social order could be integrated into the virtue of subject.“Changing the human nature”is to change the cognition and not to change the desires which traditional opinion holds for.



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