首页> 中文期刊>湖南大学学报(社会科学版) >白色菲勒斯统治下的黑人:《宠儿》的身体叙述∗




The sexual exploitation and oppression of black women by white men drives Sethe to kill her baby,and it is also the leading factor for many slave mothers to commit infanticide.The sexual exploita-tion of black females under the rule of white men destroyed the black men’s masculinity,and they were thus completely emotionally and mentally emasculated.Even after the abolition of slavery and the former slaves gained personal liberty,their spirits were still confined under the shadow of the white male’s rule. However,the black women made persistent efforts in the deconstruction of this white male sexual domina-tion and refused to be controlled by it without putting up a fight.%白色菲勒斯统治对黑人女性身体的摧残是导致塞丝弑婴的根本原因,也是把众多奴隶母亲推向杀死孩子边缘的主导因素。奴隶制下黑人女性身体的被掠夺间接摧毁了黑人的男性气概,使他们在精神上处于被“阉割”状态。奴隶制废除后,身体上获得自由的前奴隶在精神上仍未摆脱白色菲勒斯统治留下的阴影。但黑人女性在这场战争中并没有束手就擒,而是通过不懈努力进行了权力反转,对白色菲勒斯的解构实现了最后的合围。



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