首页> 中文期刊>湖北函授大学学报 >《哀希腊》复译中的互文性解构与重构




拜伦名诗《哀希腊》自1902年经由梁启超译介以来,一而再,再而三被翻译家复译。互文性理论的出现为翻译学更好地解释一作多译和不断复译现象提供了有力的理论支撑。文章结合互文性理论,对比了《哀希腊》4个复译本(译者分别是马君武、苏曼殊、胡适、查良铮),力图挖掘文本间的互文关系,进而指导诗歌翻译的互文性解构与重构。%Since Liang Qichao first translated several stanzas of "The Isles Of Greece",a famous poem by Byron,into Chinese in 1902,it has been retranslated over and over again.Meanwhile,the emergence of Intertextuality Theory provides a strong theory support for analyzing th multiple translation and retranslation of a text.Based on the comparative study of the four Chi-nese versions by Ma Junwu,Su Manshu,Hu Shi and Cha Liangzheng respectively from the perspective of Intertextuality Theo-ry,this paper tries to uncover the intertextual relation between the original text and the translation so as to further give some guidance to the intertextual deconstruction and reconstruction of poem translation.



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