首页> 中文期刊>湖北工程学院学报 >马克思的对象性论所蕴涵的自然美本原思想--一论马克思恩格斯经典著作中的完整美本原思想




According to the three great areas of the materialist dialectics or natural dialectics,the prac-tical dialectics and the subj ective dialectics,the following points of view can be revealed.The theory of obj ectivity embodies Marxist thought of origins of natural beauties which are generated from natural dialectics.The essential strength of universal natural material generates a variety of infinite and eter-nally naturalized natural beauties which embody the essence of the material world’s necessary liberty and prove to be the origins and basic values of the generation of all beauties.Different natural prod-ucts respectively have their own natural beauties and values.The theory of obj ectification of human essential power embodies Marxist thought of the origins of humanized beauties which are created by human practice’s dialectics.In other words,human practical liberty creates various humanized beau-ties.The theory of non-obj ectification reveals the thought that the origins of aesthetic perception are generated from human subj ective dialectics.In other words,based on the naturalized and humanized subj ective cognition,the liberty of beauty appreciation is thus generated and aesthetic perception,aes-thetic psychology and aesthetic activities come into being.The dialectical organic unification of the three above-mentioned aspects turn out to be Marxist complete thought of origins of aesthetics.%根据唯物辩证法的自然辩证法、实践辩证法和主观辩证法三大存在领域,可以认为:对象性论体现了马克思的自然辩证法生成自然美本原的思想,宇宙自然物质性的本质力量无限永恒地自然化而生成了各种自然美,体现的是必然性自由的本质,是一切美生发的本体和基础价值所在,各种不同的自然产品都具有各自不同的自然美和价值;对象化论体现了马克思的实践辩证法创造人化美本原的思想,即对象化或人化的实践自由创造了各种人化美;非对象化论则体现了马克思的主观辩证法生发美感本原的思想,即在自然化和人化的主观认识的基础上产生了审美自由并形成了美感、审美心理和审美活动。这三个方面的辩证有机的统一,才是马克思主义的完整美学本原思想。



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