首页> 中文期刊>华中科技大学学报(社会科学版) >中西德性观之比较--以《尼各马克伦理学》和《中庸》为例




There are two kinds of approaches in demonstrating human good of Virtue Ethics, one is Aris-totle’ s of static virtue, and the other is Confucius’ s of dynamic virtue.The static virtue FEFERS TO Aristot-le’ s demonstration of human good—happiness.He claims the only way to attain happiness is practicing vir-tue, which is considered as Mean.This kind of approach to illustrate virtue is based on human’ s reason.In contrast, the dynamic virtue refers to Confucius’ s demonstration of virtue.Confucius argues the only way to attain human good—Dao is to follow our Xing.And this kind of approach is closely related with Tian Ming.At the same time, this article holds that those different approaches of virtue have a big influence in Western and Chinese ethical theory.%本文旨在考察《尼各马克伦理学》和《中庸》两书的德性观,指出德性在中西两种伦理学图景中的相似性及差异。中西伦理学对“德性”的理解可以分为两种,即亚里士多德静态化的德性和儒家动态化的“德性”。所谓静态化的德性,是指亚里士多德在理解“幸福”时,从践行德性出发,把德性本身处理为“中庸”(适中)。这种“中庸”的参照物始终是人自身,这种试图依靠人的理性来掌握最高善形式的做法,称之为“德性”的静态化。作为对比,儒家伦理学在处理“道”时以率性来践行德性,率性以天命为向心轴,以诚为纽带,与天命形成良好互动。这一践行德性的过程,称之为“德性”的动态化。通过“礼”或习惯化,亚里士多德和儒家都重视对德性的培育。



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