首页> 中文期刊>华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >道为乐魂——《老子》音乐美学思想新论




“道”是《老子》哲学思想的核心,评说《老子》的音乐美学思想不能偏离这个核心。《老子》论道,涉及音乐的话虽然只有四旬,却体现了“道”是音乐的灵魂,音乐是“道”的音、声外现的思想。“大音希声”是《老子》音乐审美的至高境界;“音声相和”是《老子》音乐审美的标准;“五音令人耳聋”是《老子》的音乐批判的准则;“乐与饵,过客止”是《老子》的音乐审美追求。这四句话共同体现了“道为乐魂”的音乐美学思想。“道为乐魂”是《老子》音乐美学思想的实质。%Taoism is the core of the philosophy of Lao-tzu. It's impossible to comment the music aesthetics in the book of Lao-tzu without the core. There are only four utterances related to music in the book, but they show that the Taoism is the soul of music and music is the representation o.f sound. "No sound means optimal music" is the supreme level of music aes- thetics; "Music is supposed to be harmonious sounds" is the aesthetic standard evaluated by Lao-tzu; "Noisy music makes people hearing malfunction" is a principle of music criticism; "Music, like delicious food, can stop the passers-by" is Lao -tzu's aesthetic chase for ideal music. The four mentioned utterances imply that Taoism is the soul of music, which is the essence of Lao-tzu's music philosophy.



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