首页> 中文期刊>淮阴工学院学报 >“一带一路”文化发源地挖掘与当代重建--以文化遗产的数字保护与虚拟重建为例




“一带一路”沿线的许多地区是世界主要文明与文化的发源地,其文化遗产历史悠久、形式多样,但挖掘与重建却面临资金、技术等一系列难题。结合文化遗产保护的基本原则、国际文化遗产重建的新理念,提出以数字技术为主导,实物保护与虚拟重建相结合的策略,规避原物复原与实体重建出现的弊端。在数字化整理保存、数字衍生品研发、虚拟现实场景重建、新媒介推广等具体应用的基础上,通过线上与线下、虚拟与现实结合的互动展示,探索我国“一带一路”文化发源地文化遗产挖掘整理、推广推介的创新模式与发展路径。%Many areas along"the Belt and Road"are the birthplaces of some major civilizations and cultures in the world.The cultural heritages, with their long history and various forms , pose a series of funding , technical and other problems in the exploration and reconstruction work .Based on the basic principles of cultural heritage protection and new ideas of the reconstruction of international cultural heritage , the paper designs , with digital technology as the leading factor , a strategy combining physical protection with virtual reconstruction , thereby a-voiding the problems created by physical restoration and reconstruction .With applications including the digital preservation , the development of derivative products , the virtual reconstruction of scenes and the promotion of new media , the interactive displays , both online and offline , combining simulation and reality , are proposed , and the innovative modes and courses in which the cultural heritages of the cultural birthplaces may be explored and promoted are studied .



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