首页> 中文期刊>河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >住房公积金制度的演进、特征与改革取向——基于政策文本的量化分析




实现住有所居目标是广大居民的美好愿望, 住房公积金制度作为我国政策性住房金融的主体, 理应为实现这一目标作出贡献, 然而, 制度错位情况的出现却成为其发展道路上的重大障碍.通过对制度演进路径的回顾和特征的分析, 可以更好地探究制度错位的原因及未来的调整方向.政府各部门颁布的政策文件是最能反映制度各个阶段政策焦点及其特征的资料, 对其量化分析可以发现:住房公积金制度错位的根本原因在于各个阶段颁布的政策难以实现保障性的内在要求, 且制度与我国住房市场关联度较高, 易成为政府调控楼市的工具.因此, 下一步应以夯实保障性政策功能为改革取向, 并以此为指引提出相关政策建议.%The ownership of housing is the good wishes of the majority of residents. Housing provident fund system, as the main body of policy housing finance in China, should make its own contribution to achieving this goal.However, the emergence of institutional misalignment has become a major obstacle to its development. Based on the review of institutional evolution paths and the analysis of characteristics, the paper explores the causes of institutional dislocation and future adjustments. The policy documents promulgated by various government departments may reflect the focus and characteristics of various stages of the system. It is found that the fundamental reason for institutional misalignment lies in the fact that the policies promulgated in various stages are difficult to meet the demands of inherent guarantees. And the system has a high degree of correlation with China 's housing market and is easily used as a tool for the government to control the property market. Therefore, the next step should reform the protection policy function and use it as a guideline to make relevant policy suggestions.



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