首页> 中文期刊> 《高教学刊》 >基于多元多级的高校毕业生跟踪调查系统的设计与实施




高校毕业生就业跟踪调查是高等教育评价工作的重点内容。目前中国高校采用的毕业生调查方式不能有效满足调查需求,开发基于多元多级的高校毕业生跟踪调查系统是必然趋势。文章比较分析了三种毕业生跟踪调查方式的各自优缺点,进而提出高校毕业生跟踪调查系统的设计理念、需求分析和功能模块,将学校、用人单位、社会、毕业生等多元主体和校内多级教学管理机构纳入到毕业生质量评价体系中,开发出基于多元多级的高校毕业生跟踪调查系统。该系统投入试运行后,系统使用者普遍对系统的功能感到满意,认为该系统能够有效地实现对高校毕业生质量进行系统化、动态化的跟踪调查,有利于提高人才培养质量。%The tracking and follow-up survey of college graduates is an important content of higher education e-valuation. Currently, the surveying methods that Chinese colleges adopted cannot effectively fulfill the standards of the investigation, thus leading the development of tracking and survey system of college graduates based on multilevelness and diversification to become a necessary trend. This paper compares and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the three graduate follow-up survey methods, putting forward the design concept, analysis of needs and modules function of college graduates follow-up survey systems, absorbing the multiple subjects such as colleges, employers, society, graduates, etc, as well as Multilevel teaching management institution into the graduates quality evaluation system, developing the tracking and survey system of college graduates based on multilevelness and diversification. The functions of the system has received satisfaction by majority of the users since the system had been put into tail operation. The system is considered effective in achieving systematic and dynamic follow-up survey on quality of col-lege graduates, which will improve the quality of talent training.



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