首页> 中文期刊>衡水学院学报 >《桑中》三辩——善阁读《诗》记(九)




Sang Zhong is a poem used by the young people to praise their love affairs in Wei state. It is regarded as a love song, delightful, plain and attractive. Even nowadays it seems to be healthy in the theme matter, which expresses one’s love feelings frankly, not being bounded by the feudal ethical code. Meng Jiang, Meng Yi and Meng Yong are the representatives of beauties in it. It is not a poem which expresses the mean subject of seducing wives and concubines of the others. And it has nothing to do with decadent music.%  《桑中》一诗是卫国青年赞美他们爱情活动的乐歌,是一首活泼、质朴而又充满向往之情的情歌,即使今天看来,情调也是健康的。这正是未受礼教束缚以前的、坦白地表露自己性爱的诗歌。诗中孟姜、孟弋、孟庸是作为美丽姑娘的代称。《桑中》非“相窃妻妾”之诗。桑间濮上之音与《桑中》一诗也无关。



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