首页> 中文期刊>衡水学院学报 >《汉书·五行志》所载董仲舒说灾异八十三事考论




过去对董仲舒灾异思想的研究多集中于天人感应部分,对于他具体如何推演灾异的研究则相对较少。仔细考察《汉书五行志》所载董仲舒说灾异八十三事,我们可以归纳出6条其推演灾异背后的原则:阴阳理论是董仲舒推演灾异的第一原则;分野说是董仲舒推演日食的重要理论基础;五行说不是董仲舒推演灾异的理论基础;罪在外者天灾外,罪在内者天灾内;罚"甚罪当重,简罪当轻";不时不灾。%The research on Dong Zhongshu’s prognostication thought in the past focused on the mechanics of heave and man.About how he interpreted the portents,no one has yet researched it in the mainland.To research on the Eighty-three things listed by Dong zhongshu in Treatise in the Five Forces,we can summarize the six principles: Yin and Yang theory is the first principle;Fen Ye system is the important basis to interpret the solar eclipse;the theory about Five Forces is not its basis;The Portents correspond in the crime that induced them;The portents correspond also in the severity with the crime;The portents only occur when it is timely.



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