首页> 中文期刊>河南工业大学学报(社会科学版) >从女性人物的对比看《红楼梦》中的女性意识觉醒




The female consciousness is to show female as subject in the objective world's self-consciousness of position,function and value of.Specifically,it is to point to women can consciously awareness and perform their historical mission,social responsibility and obligation,and clearly know their own characteristics and participate in social life in unique ways,recognition and realization of social values and life needs of their own.In" Dream of Red Mansions",Cao Xueqin depicts a number of female with consciousness and vivid characters.There are also typical of women in the traditional sense.In these female images,we may see vivid characters comparison,which has highlighted the consciousness females are in the great struggle with The Times.%女性意识是指女性作为主体在客观世界中的地位、作用和价值的自觉意识。在《红楼梦》缤纷绚丽的女性世界中,曹雪芹刻画了一些具有女性意识的生动的人物形象,也有典型的传统意义中的女性。林黛玉与薛宝钗、晴雯与袭人、鸳鸯与邢夫人、尤二姐与尤三姐,在这四组女性人物形象的对比中,可以看到鲜明的女性意识的对立。曹雪芹在如此的描写与刻画中,反映出女性意识觉醒的女性在与时代抗争中的伟大。



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