首页> 中文期刊>河南工业大学学报(社会科学版) >微电影广告叙事系统构建策略




近年来,冠以微电影名义的广告作品大量涌现,但“微电影广告”这一概念的核心特征尚未达成明晰严谨的共识。对“微电影广告”这一概念的误解与滥用使得业界实践中所谓的“微电影广告”鱼龙混杂,许多作品缺乏科学有效的叙事策略,阻碍了微电影广告产业的健康发展。深入剖析“微电影广告”这一概念中“微”“电影”及“广告”这三个关键词对其叙事系统提出的创作要求,才能科学地总结出微电影广告领域可行有效的叙事策略,推动微电影广告作品质量的提升。%In recent years,a lot of advertising products have emerged in the name of micro-film,but society has not reached clear and precise consensus about the core characteristics of the concept of micro-film advertis-ing. The misunderstanding and abuse of this concept make genuine and false micro-film advertising mixed up in practice. Many products are lack of effective narrating strategies,which hinders the healthy development of micro-film advertising industry. So a thorough analysis should be done of the three key words "micro"、"film" and "advertising" and requirements for creating micro-film advertising should be established so that effective narrating strategies can be worked out and quality of micro-film advertising can be improved.



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