首页> 中文期刊> 《河南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 >动机视阈观照下的译者行为特征趋向探究




从动机最能反映人类行为的目的性和能动性等特征出发,尝试提出译者的翻译活动是个人内在因素与特定的社会需要和社会背景共同作用,经过自我调节后发生的行为。译者的翻译活动既是一种个人行为,又是一种社会行为,既有外在诱因,又有内在动力,是社会需要与内在需要的相互融合,译者只有在翻译过程中充分认识自己的行为动机,清醒地对待这些制约因素,才能最大限度地发挥自己的能动性,译出最优秀的作品。%The paper first points out that motivation can best reflect the characteristics of human behavior,and then it attempts to conclude that the translation activity of a translator is an inner self adjusted behavior under the joint interaction of individuals,specific social needs and social background.The translator’s translation ac-tivity is not only a kind of individual behavior,but also a kind of social behavior.It has both external incentive and internal motive force and is the mutual integration of social needs and internal needs.Only when the trans-lator is fully aware of his/her motivation in the process of translation and soberly treats these constraints,can he/she maximize his/her own initiative,and produce the most outstanding works.



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