首页> 中文期刊> 《河南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 >法律转型期司法引导社会变革的限度--以民国初年大理院判解中的人格平等为重心




In the legal transition period of the early years of Republic of China,Dali Court not only exhibited the possibility of judicial guide in social reform but also the rigid conditions for judicial guide in social change at the same time.In the practice of judicature and legislation in Dali Court in the early years of Republic of China,the change from inferiority or superiority to equality of personality was not only constrained by the eco-nomic,political and cultural conditions and the rigid constraints of sources of law rank,but also by social con-sensus,the effectiveness of the judicial authority,judicial power and other factors.The current practice of pro-moting the rule of law in China is aimed at changing the traditional gene of anti-rule of law,which is not less difficult than the traditional reform in inferiority or superiority in the early years of the Republic of China.The paper reviews the practice of Dali Court then in view of the contemporary context of the judicial guide in social change and provides reference significance.%在民国初年法律转型期,大理院在展现司法引导社会变革之可能的同时,也展现了司法引导社会变革的刚性条件。民国初年大理院在司法兼营立法的实践中,其所引导的从尊卑贵贱到人格平等的变革,不仅受制于民初的经济政治文化条件,受制于法源位阶的刚性约束,也受社会共识、司法权威以及司法实效等动力因素的制约。当下中国全面推进依法治国的实践,旨在变革传统中的反法治基因,其难度并不亚于民初对尊卑贵贱传统的变革。针对司法引导社会变革的这一当代语境,回顾民国初年大理院的实践不无借鉴参考意义。



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