首页> 中文期刊>河南理工大学学报(社会科学版) >从《黄金谷》和《月亮谷》解读杰克·伦敦生态思想的发展过程




杰克·伦敦惯用自然主义的书写手法描绘普通民众的生活状况,以寻求解决社会危机的途径和方法。在小说《黄金谷》和《月亮谷》中,他从人类中心主义逐渐走向生态中心主义,认为人与自然是一种和谐的、相互补偿的关系。他主动承担起生态保护的责任,并逐步完成"自我"向"生态自我"的转变。认真解读杰克.伦敦的自然文学作品,深入挖掘它的生态思想的真正内涵和精髓,对加深人们对人与自然关系的理解和大自然真正价值的认识具有重要的意义。%Jack London(1876—1916) is a famous American realistic writer who consistently used the writing technique of naturalism to describe the ordinary people's living conditions.In the novels of All Gold Cayon and The Valley of the Moon,he held the idea of anthropocentrism.But later,London was more and more inclined to eco-centrism,which believes that nature is the source of all creatures and human beings is only a part of nature.The relationship between nature and human beings should be reciprocal and harmonious.In order to keep this harmonious relationship,human must restrict his desire for the material.Otherwise,the balance between human and nature will be broken.London took ecological responsibility voluntarily and realized the transformation of Ecological self gradually.Jack London's ecological thought is embodied in his works,which need out careful interpretation.



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