首页> 中文期刊>合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版) >司法确认的实践困惑与程序续造--基于 B 市辖区基层法院的实证分析

司法确认的实践困惑与程序续造--基于 B 市辖区基层法院的实证分析



司法确认现已有法可依,但因法律及相关司法解释规定过于粗略,具体司法实践还存在诸多困惑。实证研究发现,该类案件当前呈现激增趋向,基层法官期待能有一套科学合理、便于操作的程序设计,部分法官对该制度存有认识误区,缺少虚假调解防范意识及能力。文章剖析实践困境根源,提出具体细化与完善建议:界定受案范围与立案标准,确立审查形式、内容和时限,明确救济途径,并将虚假调解协议防范措施镶嵌在程序之中,法官依章操作,即能有效防范虚假调解行为,并尝试为其拟定操作流程图,以期为基层法官准确适用司法确认提供统一的标准与思维路径。%The judicial confirmation has laws to go by ,however there are still a lot of confusion when it comes to specific judicial practice ,due to the roughness of the law s and the absence of the relevant ju‐dicial interpretation .Now this kind of cases is increasing aggressively .Judges from the local courts are expecting a set of scientifically and reasonably designed procedures that are easy to operate by . Some judges are not aware or capable of preventing false mediation due to their misunderstandings of the institution .This paper proposes some specific advises in order to refine and improve the proce‐dures aforementioned through the analyses of the confusion of the practice of judicial confirmation .It also discusses the scope and standards of filing ,the establishment of the inquiry forms ,contents and time limits ,the methods of relief ,as well as the integration of the precaution measures of false media‐tion and the whole set of procedures .Thus the judges will be able to effectively prevent the false me‐diation conducts .The paper also tries to draft an operation flowchart ,in order to provide a set of standards and protocols for the accurate application of the judicial confirmation .



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