首页> 中文期刊> 《杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 >椒江中下游沉积物中多溴联苯醚的分布特征




自椒江中下游采集了14个表层沉积物样品,以研究该区域中多溴联苯醚(PBDEs )的含量、分布及其来源.研究结果表明,椒江中下游是PBDEs的高污染区,Σ9 PBDEs(包括BDE28、47、66、99、100、138、153、154、183)浓度范围分别在8.93-45.04 ng/g (干重),平均浓度分别为22.31 ng/g ,是目前世界上已报道沉积物中含量最高的区域之一.此外,在所有被分析的样品中BDE209都是最主要的同系物,表明十溴联苯醚已进入环境并成为污染水平最高的一类PBDEs .%Fourteen surficial sediment samples are collected from the middle and lower reaches of Jiaojiang River and are analyzed to acquire the information about the content ,distribution and sources of polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs) in the area .The results show that the middle and lower reaches of Jiaojiang River is heavily contaminated ,with total PBDE concentrations (include BDE28 ,47 ,66 ,99 ,100 ,138 ,153 ,154 ,183) ranging from 8 .93 to 45 .04 ng/g(dry weight) and an average concentration of 22 .31 ng/g ,where is one of the areas with the highest concentrations ever reported worldwide . BDE209 is the predominant congener in all the samples ,showing that decabromodiphenyl ether has entered the environment and become a class of PBDEs with the highest pollution level .



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