首页> 中文期刊>贵州大学学报(社会科学版) >走出政治孤立——新法兰克福学派及其政治哲学转向




从"走出政治孤立"的角度出发,指出发生在新、旧法兰克福学派之间的是一种政治哲学的转向,并尝试描述这种转向的内在逻辑. 与霍克海默、阿多诺和马尔库塞等早期批判理论家相比,新一代的学者在坚持社会批判理论对公共政治的批判性的同时,也致力于挖掘社会理论本身的政治维度. 哈贝马斯的语言学转向就体现了这种关切,他通过对固化在语言结构中的规范性潜能的提炼,为批判理论提供了规范的基础. 这种重新奠基的尝试恰恰呼应了本雅明、纽曼等边缘人物为克服封闭的功能主义和还原主义方法论倾向所做的努力,体现了对早期法兰克福学派理论缺陷和盲点的检讨,以及对自身内部理论资源的重新挖掘. 不仅如此,新法兰克福学派也积极地介入到与英美政治哲学的互动之中,通过批判路径和规范性路径的重新结合,在某种程度上指向了对规范正义理论之意识形态批评的重新考量.%Taking the perspective of "stepping out of political isolation" as a point, this article argues that the transition from old Frankfurt school to new Frankfurt school is a political turn, and attempts to describe the inner logic of this transition. Compared with those earlier philosophers such as Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, scholars of new Frankfurt school not only insist on their criticisms of public politics by so-cial critical theory, but also try to interpret the intrinsic political implications of social theory. The most typical case of this transition is Jürgen Habermas' "linguistic turn", which provides the normative basis for the critical theory by its refinement of the normative recourses implicit in our language structures. Moreover, this project also echoes the enterprise of overcoming the closed functionalism and reductionism made by those marginal philoso-phers in old Frankfurt school, such as Walter Benjamin and Franz Neumann. So it amounts to a self-reflection and self-criticism, and constitutes a rediscovery of its theoretical recourses. Furthermore, philosophers of new Frankfurt school also actively engage in the interactions with Anglo-Saxon political philosophers. By integrating the critical approach and normative approach, they exemplify the ideology-critique of normative theory of justice in some degrees.



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