


研究《文选》文者,不仅必得驰双轨——既需辨其“体”,亦要析其“文”;且当究其变。而凡此种种,《文选文研究》一书均有出色的表现。作者索《文选》文之各体的渊源所自深,勒其流变之轨迹晰,解读作品有着超乎知识与智慧外之深彻体悟。此佳构也,而方法论之意义存焉。类是书之研究《文选》文者,“选学”史上未有,而当代不能无。%The scholar who studies The Anthology must have a versatile knowledge he not only has to distinguish its "style", but also has to analyze its "writing", and finally has to seek for its changes. Study of Anthology has shown the scholar's excellent ability for all these. The scholar has profoundly sought out the deep sources of the different styles, clearly distinguished the changes of the literary trends, and had a far-reaching insight to the interpretation of the texts beyond one's knowledge and wisdom. This book, as an outstanding work, has provided a meaningful methodology. The scholars who studied "the Anthology" had not yet emerged in the ancient time, but they must exist in the present days.



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