首页> 中文期刊>广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >“巴黎手稿”的思想内蕴探析与中国当代美学的一种构想




马克思的“巴黎手稿”既是一部经济学著作,也是一部社会主义一共产主义学说的著作,更是一部哲学著作。在《手稿》中,马克思从谋求人的解放和发展出发,将经济学分析与哲学审视结合起来,对共产主义进行了逻辑与历史相统一的论述,其现实关怀与终极关怀相统一的学术精神随之充分地表现出来。“巴黎手稿”的基本内容表明:共产主义既具有经济学的意义也具有经济学美学的意义,既具有伦理学的意义也具有伦理学美学的意义,既具有哲学的意义也具有哲学美学的意义。因此,“巴黎手稿”对中国当代的美学建设也具有根本性的启示意义,能引发我们形成一些具有现实价值和深远意义的美学构想。%Karl Marx' s Paris Manuscripts is not only an economic work but also a sociahstic and communistic work, and even a philosophic work. In Paris Manuscripts, starting from striving for human' s liberation and development, Marx combines economic analysis and philosophic survey and dissertate communism by way of combining logics and history, which fully exhibits the academic spirit unified with realistic and final solicitude. Paris Manuscripts shows that communism is bestowed with both economic meaning and economically aesthetic meaning, with ethic meaning and ethically aesthetic meaning, with philosophic meaning and philosophically aesthetic meaning. Therefore, Paris Manuscripts has also provided basic en- lightenment to Chinese contemporary aesthetic construction, which can bring us certain aesthetic reflections of realistic value and far-reaching meaning.



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