首页> 中文期刊>广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >从《三国演义》“三绝”研究的三个视点说起




The research on the character’s images in the novels of the ancient China can be under‐taken from multiple perspectives such as historical documents ,literary works ,cultural communica‐tion ,etc .for instance ,the research on the “three matchless characters” Zhu Geliang ,Guan Yu and Cao Cao in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms .However ,how to correctly deal with the relation‐ship among the three perspectives of documents ,literature and culture is a problem faced by the novel critics .Starting from the position of those masterpieces such as The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and The Outlaws of the Marshland ,either documentary research or cultural research shall serve liter‐ary research .Of course ,after obtaining relevant fruits ,literary research can also serve historical re‐search and economic development .To well grasp the dialectical relationship between the three per‐spectives is of critical significance and function to the masterpiece researchers .%我们对中国古代小说中人物形象的研究,可以从历史文献的、文学作品的、文化传播的多重视点进行,例如对《三国演义》中的“三绝”诸葛亮、关羽、曹操的研究就是如此。然而,如何正确处理文献的、文学的、文化的三个研究视点之间的关系,却是小说研究者面临的一个严峻的问题。从《三国演义》《水浒传》这些小说名著的立场出发,文献研究和文化研究都应该是为文学研究服务的。当然,文学研究取得相应的成果以后,也可以为历史研究和经济开发服务。把握好三者之间这种辩证关系,对于小说名著的研究者而言具有决定性的意义和作用。



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