首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >解释论视角下的侵权死亡赔偿金制度




Tort Liability Law of People's Republic of China, adopted in December 2009, formally established the compensation system for death in the form of legislation and brought the death compensation system to become more and more perfect specifically by Article 16, Article 17, Article 18 and Article 22 of the relevant provisions.As the core of the death compensation system, death compensation has attracted more and more concerns and controversies from all walks of social life and judicial application also encountered many problems.Obviously, the relevant provisions of the Tort Liability Law did nothing to quell real arguments but made the prior debates become even more violent.In the face of so many disputes caused by death compensation in the judicial process in the society, this article means to explain and analyze the relevant legal provisions through the interpretation of the Tort Liability Law.Through the historical changes of the death compensation, this article analyzes the legal nature of death compensation and discusses its application in the criminal suit with civil action, then analyzes how to apply the death compensation system on the basis of The Tort Liability Law correctly.%2009年12月通过的《侵权责任法》创设性地以立法的形式正式确立了侵权致人死亡的"死亡赔偿金"制度,具体通过第16条、第17条、第18条以及第22条的有关规定,使死亡赔偿制度趋于完善.作为侵权死亡赔偿制度的核心,死亡赔偿金这一规定一直以来备受社会各界的关注与争议,司法适用中也遇到了不少难题,很显然《侵权责任法》相关条文的规定并没有平息现实的喧嚣,反而使之前的争论愈演愈烈.面对死亡赔偿金在司法适用过程中在社会上引起的诸多争议,通过解释论的方法对《侵权责任法》的相关法律条文进行阐释并加以分析,并结合死亡赔偿金的性质,进而分析如何依据《侵权责任法》正确地适用死亡赔偿金制度.



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