首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >清朝商人与江户时期中日文化交流




The Qing Dynasty merchant-oriented trading played an important role in the cultural communication between China and Japan.The merchants' exchanges during the Qing Dynasty not only met the material needs of these two countries, but also continued the cultural communication between China and Japan.The major effects in the cultural communication between these two countries include these aspects: Edo shogunate official questioning subject, the civil cultural interaction medium, entering Chinese books and culture preservation.Mastering the merchants in Qing Dynasty's vital functions will get a deeper understanding about Edo period's cultural communication between China and Japan, and the cultural communication's uniqueness and significance of this period.%以清朝商人为主体的中日贸易为江户时期的中日文化交流涂抹上了浓墨重彩的一笔,不仅满足了彼此的物质需求,而且延续了两国之间的文化交流.清朝商人在中日文化交流中成为江户幕府与官员的询问对象和民间文化交流的媒介,同时在输入汉籍、传承文化上发挥了重要作用.把握清朝商人所发挥的重要作用,有助于深入理解这一时期中日文化交流的实态、独特性及其意义.



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