首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >英国田园文学对工业化进程的困惑与思考




作为工业化进程较早的国家之一,英国在其工业化进程中,出现了一系列矛盾:是大力发展城市,还是保持乡村传统风貌?是大肆开发荒野,还是保留大自然的原生态? 是保护自然界中的各种动植物,还是对之进行无情的宰割利用? 是坚持素食主义,还是主张肉食主义? 面对这些矛盾,人们曾一度陷入困境,在对待人与自然、人与动植物的关系等方面产生了种种困惑,并积极寻求应对策略,这在英国田园文学作品中有着深刻的反映.鉴于人类面临生态问题的趋同性,英国的历史经验有着很好的借鉴意义和警醒作用,能够引发我们对当下所面临的生态问题进行深入思考.%The Great Britain is one of the earliest countries to develop industrialization all over the world.A series of conflicts occurred in the process of the industrialization, including the conflict between urban development and rural tradition maintenance, the cultivation of the wild field and the conservation of the original nature, the conflict between animal and plants protection and the exploitation of them, and that between vegetarian and meatatarian, and so on.Facing these conflicts, people once felt puzzled and then they took some effective countermeasures to deal with these problems, which was reflected in British pastoral literature.Such historical experiences are instructive and thought-provoking, which can help us to think deeply over the current ecological problems.



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