首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >转型期马华文学跨族裔婚恋书写的走向




The writing of cross-ethnic marriage in Chinese-Malaysian literature continues the metaphorical significance of "marriage-ethnic politics" in the literary tradition, and expresses the wish for cultural communication between Chinese and alien race under the call of "one family".Thus, the civilized alien races walk into the marriage-themed writing, and their voice begins to be heard;as a result, a different tune emerges in the attitude towards alien culture through Chinese generations, and the China-centered international order is revised.This new writing direction shows how literature responds to change and takes an active part in this process through construction of ethnic relations discourse in the specific historical stage of development and opening in Malaysia.%转型期马华文学的跨族裔婚恋书写延续了文学传统中"婚恋-族群政治"的隐喻意义,在"同为一家人"的时代召唤下自觉表达华异文化互通的祈愿.由是,受现代文明熏陶的异族,进入族际婚恋题材;"喑哑"的异族开始"发声";代际之间对异族文化的态度出现对立的声部,"华-夷"秩序得以修订.这种新的书写路向显现了在马来西亚走向发展与开放的特定历史阶段,马华文学如何通过族群关系话语的建构来回应并主动参与这一历史进程.



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