首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >学术文本中'人称参与型评述序列'的语料库研究




Academic texts tend to adopt given linguistic patterns to convey propositions as well as evaluations on the reliability, credibility and significance of the information presented.This paper, with a corpus-driven approach, explores the co-selection of personal-involvement-evaluation-and-description sequence at the levels of linguistic pattern, meaning and function within American and British experts' academic texts.It is found that different personal-involvement sequences are employed to focus on diverse facets of a research activity, and those sequences are able to highlight the consciousness, originality and credibility of academic researches.Probing into personal-involvement sequences at the level of sentence enriches the perspectives of academic textual analysis and also has some pedagogical implications on the cultivation of students' reader awareness and individual-involvement awareness.%学术文本往往以特定的语言型式,传递大量命题信息,同时对所述命题的真实性、可靠性和重要性实施评鉴.以语料库驱动的方法,探讨英美专家学术文本中人称参与型多元评述序列在型式、意义与功能层面上的共选行为.研究发现,学术文本以不同的"人称参与型评述序列"聚焦研究活动的不同侧面、突显学术研究的自觉性、创新点和可信度.在小句级阶上考察人称系统介入下的评述序列,能拓展学术文本分析视角,对培养学习者的读者意识和个人参与意识具有一定的启示意义.



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