首页> 中文期刊>广东第二师范学院学报 >元认知理论指引下的数学主动式阅读模式探究




Sukhomlinski once said that learning to read is the first step in learning to learn, a student poor in reading is potentially slow. If stuaents are not taught to read quickly, they will encounter insurmountable difficulties in the future of learning. An important significance of the metacognitive theory is to solve the problem of students' learning to learn. Therefore, with meta-cognitive theory, combined with the characteristics of psychology, education, and mathematics, we try to explore the mathematics teaching of high school students active reading model and its use, in order to promote students 'active reading awareness, ability to enhance students' active reading for reference.%教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“学会学习首先要学会阅读,一个阅读能力不好的学生就是一个潜在的差生.如果没有教会学生迅速阅读,在日后的学习中就会遇到无法克服的困难.”元认知理论研究的一个重要意义就是要解决学生“学会学习”的问题.因此我们试图以元认知理论为指导,结合教育学,心理学和数学学科特点,探寻数学教学中学生主动式阅读的教学模式,以此促进学生主动阅读意识,提升学生主动阅读能力.



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