首页> 中文期刊>广东第二师范学院学报 >木山捷平的“满洲”




日本作家木山捷平的满洲经历可以分为三个阶段,从一个带有文人趣味的日本作家,到在满洲就职和入伍,再到成为卖破烂儿的难民,宛如其他众多日本作家的满洲体验的浓缩。木山捷平以这些经历为素材,创作了长篇小说《大陆的细道》《长春五马路》和短篇小说《耳朵的学问》《苦茶》。他从自身的遭遇出发,本能地痛恨以关东军为代表的日本官僚机构,但是对于在日本的殖民扩张政策下满铁和关东军在中国所犯下的滔天罪行,并没有全局的清醒的认识。自始至终,木山捷平的视角都局限在一个挣扎求生的普通日本老百姓的视域内。这既是木山文学之所以没有能够成为名垂青史的大文学的主要原因,同时也是谨守私小说创作原则、将自己率真质朴的天性与真实的人生经历巧妙结合的木山文学最大的魅力之所在。%The Manchuria experiences of Japanese writer Kiyama can be divided into three stages.He was first a Japanese writer with a literary taste.Then,he was employed and joined the army in Manchuria.Finally,he became a junk-seller.This was typical of Japanese writers in Manchuria.By those experiences,Kiyama wrote some novels,such as The Fifth Avenue in Changchun,The Continent and a Path,and short stories like Bitter Tea.He hated Japanese Kwantung Army,but he didn’t fully understand the crime the Japanese Kwantung Army committed in China,because he took on a perspective of just an ordinary Japanese civilian,which resulted in his failure to achieve greater fame in literature.But the charm of his works lies in the combination of his frankness and simplicity with the authentic experiences.



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