首页> 中文期刊>广东第二师范学院学报 >21世纪以来国内文学传播学研究综述




Communication is one of the fundamental ways to decide the survival and development of human society. Communication, originated in the Second World War, is a new subject formed in the early 1960s in America. Its research subject is the social information system and its operating rules. Its research contents malnly include the inner communication and the interpersonal communication in human society; the inner communication in the various types of organizations, the communication among organizations and the transmission or communication between organization and social environment in the society; and the spread of mass media and later formed international communication and global communication. Since 21st century, literature communication study in China has been gradually flourishing. The treatises on the literature communication research of individual works and the particular stages have been published. At the same time, the course system construction and theoretical system construction of literary communication have also been concerned and conducted by some scholars. The study of literature communication has been developed in terms of field and system trends.%传播是决定人类社会生存与发展的根本方式之一。传播学源起于第二次世界大战,是20世纪60年代初在美国形成的一门新兴学科,其研究对象是社会信息系统及其运行规律。研究内容主要包括人类社会中人的内在传播、人际传播、社会上各类组织内部、组织之间和组织与社会环境之间的传播与交流,以及大众传媒的广泛传播和后来形成的国际传播与全球传播。进入21世纪之后,文学传播学研究在国内逐渐兴盛,个体文学作品的传播研究、特定阶段文学的传播研究均有论著问世。与此同时,文学传播学的学科体系建构和学科理论体系建构也被一些学者所关注实施。文学传播学的研究已经开始向领域化和体系化发展。



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