首页> 中文期刊>广东第二师范学院学报 >高职院校英语体验教学的实施与反思




体验教学是近两年来英语教学界的热门话题,然而,在实际操作过程中,高职英语体验教学却存在许多问题,如:过度强调语言和职业体验,不重视人文和情感、心灵体验;体验式教材出现市场化、单一化、功利化的趋势,学生对英语语言体系隐含的优秀文化因素了解甚少;操作性强、应用效果好的具体教学流程和实施方案也还比较缺乏,涉及高职高专的职业用途英语体验教学的实践研究为数不多。研究表明:通过情境体验、问题启迪、感悟新知、演练体验、归纳巩固、人格提升、行动建议、实践反馈八个完整规范的体验流程,将世界经典和英语优秀隐性文明成果创造性地融入体验中,不断唤醒和启迪学生情感和心灵体验活动,是促进一个完全意义上的"职业人"的塑造的有效途径。%The current English experimental teaching of the higher vocational education is a topical issue recently. However, it faces many challenges such as too much emphasis on language and professional experience, the neglect of humanistic, emotional and spiritual experience, the teaching materials appearing an excessive uniformity and utilitarian tendency and the teaching lacking an efficient and effective operation process. This study shows that the 8-step process for the English experimental teaching provides a practical solution for the current situations. It utilizes several well-designed procedures and absorbs the. outstanding. civilized. achievements. such as the culture, art, values and morality from the English classics so as to arouse and inspire the emotional and spiritual experiences of the students.



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