首页> 中文期刊>广东第二师范学院学报 >«白沙门人考»考订及补遗




白沙门人是明代心学的重要建构者、实践者和传播者,对我们全面理解明代心学有重要意义。«白沙门人考»是白沙门人研究中的基本文献,在同类文献中它收录最全,考证最详。然受编者主客观条件的限制,该书仍有错讹、遗漏,笔者经考证对其订误8处,对疑似门人确定1人,排除3人,补遗8人,最终确定白沙门人总数为182人。%Pal-sha ’ s disciples, the important constructors, practitioners and communicators, are very important to us to entirely understand the philosophy of the mind in the Ming Dynasty. Being the basic literature in the study of Pal-sha’ s disciple, The Textual Research on Pal-sha’ s Disciples is the best one in the existing similar literature, with the most entire and detalled textual research. Owe to the editor′s subjective and objective conditions of restriction, there are mistakes and omissions. By textual research, we can find and correct eight mistakes in the text, and confirm one suspect disciple and rule out three disciples, and supplement seven disciples omitted in the past. 182 disciples are finally decided in the Pal-sha school.



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