


《管子》是一部治国理财的经典著作,里面蕴含着丰富的财产思想,其中有许多财产思想非常先进和合理,对我们这个时代都不乏借鉴意义,值得探究。《管子》对财产进行了分类,主要有土地、各种生产生活资料以及货币。这些财产的来源是人的劳动,包括生产劳动和商业经营。财产维系着每个人的生存和发展,因此对财产的占有欲望是人的天性。《管子》主张对社会财产要合理分配,要“藏富于民”,民富国才强。财产不仅是物质资料,它还有一定的伦理向度,和人的道德伦理密切相关,是道德的物质基础和保证,财产存在的价值就是为了人的生存以及人的更好的生活。%The book Guanzi is a classic work of state finance , which contains a lot of property thoughts , and most of them are very advanced and reasonable .These thoughts are helpful in solving the problems of our times .The property is classified in Guanzi, including land, a variety of production and living materials and money .The property derives from the people's productive labor and business.Everyone is eager to possess property because it is concerned with each person 's survival and development .Guanzi advocates that the social property should be distributed reasonably to help the people .The property is not only the material, but also has some ethical dimensions.It is closely related to ethics, and is the foundation of the morality.The value of property lies in the survival of people and a better life of them.



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