首页> 中文期刊>阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版) >从“道”的本体论走向“无”的本体论--《老子道德经注》中的老子与王弼思想探析




In Wang Bi’s The Comment of Lao Tzu, the thought of Lao Tzu and Wang Bi were combined closely. Wang Bi expressed his own thought when he was interpreting Lao Tzu. On one hand, the keyword of Lao Tzu’s thought is Tao. On the other hand, the keyword of Wang Bi’s thought is nihility. The Tao of Lao Tzu’s thought was also expressed in Wang Bi’s comment. At the same time, the nihility of Wang Bi’s thought was also potential in Lao Tzu’s thought. Nevertheless, Wang Bi understood the Tao of Lao Tzu’s thought as the nihility. Meanwhile, Lao Tzu discussed the nihility in the philosophy of Wen and Jin dynasties from the perspective of the Tao. The philosophy methodology that expressing own thought when interpreting others is inspiriting to the contemporaries.%在王弼的《老子道德经注》中,老子与王弼的哲学思想可以说是相互交织的。王弼在对于《老子》进行注释时不自觉地将自己的哲学思想加诸《老子》原著之上。老子哲学的核心思想是“道”,魏晋玄学家王弼的核心思想是“无”。老子的核心思想“道”在王弼的注释中也有所体现,王弼的核心思想“无”在《老子》原著中也有所暗示。但是王弼是从“无”的角度理解老子的“道”,老子是从“道”的角度论述后来魏晋玄学加以发挥的“无”。这种通过解释前人著作阐发自己思想的哲学方法,是值得今人学习的。



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