首页> 中文期刊>阜阳师范学院学报(自然科学版) >资源枯竭型城市公园绿地景观规划初探——以淮北市鼎湖公园景观规划设计为例




Under the background of the resource-exhausted cities to accelerate economic structure transition and realize the city sustainable development,the reasonable planning and construction of city landscape play very important role to create harmonious ecological city environment that adapts to the economic transition.This paper takes industrial collapse reconstruction area of resource-exhausted city —Dinghu Park in Longhu industrial park in Huaibei as the research object.From the representation of Coal industrial cultural landscape,landscape expression of firm belief of economic structure of transformation,concept of ecological planning of outstanding site characterization,industrial culture before transition,transition culture of economy and ecological landscape features are as organic combination,to plan city park green landscape in Huaibei with transitional characteristics,to provide some reference for green landscape planning and construction of resource-exhausted cities.%在资源枯竭型城市加快经济结构转型,实现城市可持续发展的背景下,城市绿地景观的合理规划与建设,对于创建适应经济转型的和谐生态城市环境具有非常重要的作用。以资源枯竭型城市工业塌陷重建区—淮北市龙湖工业园鼎湖公园为研究对象,从煤炭工业文化景观再现、转型经济结构的坚定信念景观表达、突出场地特征的生态规划理念三个角度出发,将转型前的工业文化与经济转型文化、生态景观特征等有机结合,力图规划具有转型特色的淮北市公园绿地景观,以期为资源枯竭型城市绿地景观规划建设提供一些参考。



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