首页> 中文期刊>福建林学院学报 >广东不同起源枫香各器官的含碳系数及碳储量



为快速精确计量和监测森林碳汇造林项目的碳储量变化,以广东第八次森林资源连续清查数据中枫香的分布为基础,按2、4、6、8、12、16、20、26、32、38 cm共10个径阶伐倒90株枫香样木,获取枫香树干、树皮、树叶、树枝、树根各器官生物量及含碳系数数据,并计算90株单木的碳储量.结果表明:广东枫香平均含碳系数为0.535 4,各器官含碳系数排列顺序为树干(0.547 4)﹥树枝(0.534 4)﹥树根(0.531 8)﹥树叶(0.499 2)﹥树皮(0.495 7),树皮、树叶含碳系数显著低于其它各器官; 枫香人工林各器官含碳系数均低于天然林,但二者差异不大; 各器官碳储量在全株中的比例从大到小排列顺序为树干﹥树根﹥树枝﹥树皮﹥树叶; 随着胸径增加,枫香人工林树干、树皮、树叶碳储量比例先增加后减少,树枝、树根碳储量比例先减少后增加; 枫香天然林树干、树枝碳储量的比例增加,树皮、树叶、树根碳储量比例减少; 拟合出枫香人工林最优全株碳储量模型依次为CT=900.012 5/(1+579.431 1e-0.179 5A)、CT=0.433 3D3.481 6H-1.914 5,R2adj值依次为0.82,0.90; 天然林最优全株碳储量模型依次为CT=898.378 7e-46.5871/A、CT=0.106D1.3724H1.0798,R2adj值依次为0.70,0.94.枫香人工林与天然林碳储量模型拟合效果无明显差别; 相较于以胸径和树高等易测因子建立的碳储量模型,以年龄为自变量的碳储量模型拟合效果明显要差一些; 人工林与天然林碳储量自然生长的极值没有明显差别.%In order to quickly and precisely calculate and monitor forest carbon-sink in afforestation projects,based on the 8th consecutive forest inventory data of the distribution of Liquidambar formosana in Guangdong Province in 2012,all 90 sample trees of L.formosana were obtained which contained 10 diameter classes(i.e.2,4,6,8,12,16,20,26,32 and 38 cm),to calculate the carbon storage of individual tree of L.formosana,including the component of stem wood,bark,leaf,branch and roots.The results showed that: the average carbon content coefficient of L.formosana in Guangdong was 0.535 4,and the carbon content coefficient in each component was: stem(0.547 4)>branch(0.534 4)>root(0.531 8)>leaf(0.499 2)> bark(0.495 7).The carbon content coefficient of bark and leaf were significantly lower than other components.Carbon content coefficient in specific component of L.formosana plantation forests were lower than natural forests,but there was no significant difference between them.The proportion of carbon storage in each component was: stem>root>branch>bark>leaf.With the increased of DBH,the proportion carbon storage of stem,bark and leaf in plantation forest increased first and then decreased,the branch and root decreased first and then increased.In the natural forest,the proportion carbon storage of stem and branch increased,but the bark,leaf and root decreased.The optimal carbon storage model of L.formosana plantation were CT=900.012 5/(1+579.431 1e-0.179 5A),CT=0.433 3D3.481 6 H-1.914 5,and the R2adjwere 0.82,0.90,respectively.The optimal carbon storage model of natural L.formosana forests were CT=898.378 7e-46.5871/A,CT=0.106D1.3724H1.0798,and the R2adjwere 0.70,0.94,respectively.There is no significant difference between plantation and natural forest in model simulation effect and extreme growth value of carbon storage.The carbon storage model established by the combination of DBH and height was better than the model established by age as independent variable.



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