首页> 中文期刊> 《医药前沿》 >孕期TORCH抗体检查对胎儿发育预后的评估--产前检查、生产结果及婴幼儿发育远期随访结果分析




一组30例在孕期外周血TORCH检查包括巨细胞病毒CMV 15例,弓形虫TOX 9例、风疹RV 5例和单纯疱疹HSVI 1例IgM阳性,检查胎儿脐带血IgM均为阴性,生产结果婴儿均为正常,远期跟踪随访(至5-6岁)儿童发育、智力、视力、听力均正常。作者认为,现时各地方医院普遍应用的TORCH四项IgM抗体筛查的“检查套餐”临床意义不大,而代之应是那些人群发病率较高、筛查方法比较成熟、干预手段也较为有效的感染性疾病,将其列为孕前优先考虑的筛查项目。%A group of 30 cases of peripheral blood TORCH check during pregnancy include cytomegalovirus CMV 15 cases, 9 cases of toxoplasma TOX, rubel a RV in 5 cases, and 1 case with herpes simplex HSVI IgM, check both for fetal cord blood IgM negative, babies are normal production results, long-term fol ow-up (to 5-6 years old), children's development, intel igence, eyesight and hearing are normal. The author thinks that the present local hospital commonly used TORCH four IgM antibody screening check "package" clinical significance is not big, but instead should be more mature, screening method in those people, interventions are effective for infectious diseases, wil it as a priority before childbirth screening programmes.



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