首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >论中国民间教育信仰的形成及其对国民性的形塑




Learning (Confucian classics),taking the test (imperial examination)and being an official (to gain fame and fortune)are the ancient Chinese folk education beliefs.These beliefs started before the Qin dynasty,developed between Han and Tang dynasties,and finally established after Song,Ming and Qing dynasties.It rooted in the national psychology and had been shaping the Chinese national characters. These special education pursuits emerged in the ancient rulers’cultural arbitrary and Chinese pursuit of cultural capital,and gradually Chinese people formed the self-centered view of the world,the life view of actively participating in the mundane world,and the values of instrumental rationale.The ancient Chinese folk education beliefs have sustained and far-reaching influence on the Chinese people’s national characters with special characteristics.%读书(儒家典籍)、考试(科举考试)、做官(求取功名)是古代中国民间的教育信仰。这种信仰发轫于先秦,成形于汉唐,历经宋明清而最终确立。它植根于民族心理,型塑着国民性。独特的教育诉求在古代统治者文化专断和世人对文化资本的追求中发生发展,逐步形成了国人“自我中心”的世界观、“积极入世”的人生观、“工具理性”的价值观,对中国人独具特色的国民性产生了持续而深远的影响。



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