首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >近代“综合中学”模式的得失考论




自清末兴办新式教育以来,中学教育就被视为最难办理,因而屡有改革的措施,其中最为独特者当属1922—1932年间的“综合中学”。这个由大洋彼岸远道而来的制度,融普通中学、师范学校、职业学校三类中等教育机构于一炉,是工业社会下教育方面的最新尝试,一度被视为“理想的中学”模式,然而在以农为主的旧中国强令推行,结果却弊端丛生,削弱了师范教育及职业教育的发展,以至于离教育普及的目标不但没有更近,反而更远。尔后,“综合中学”自然成为一历史之名词。新时期的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》,面对国际的潮流以及社会的需要,鼓励自由探索新型的“综合高中”,此举颇有深意,唯历史的经验教训需加以关注,不能简单地主张“别国有,我国也应有”。%Secondary education was viewed as the hardest part since the launch of New Education since the end of the Qing Dynasty,and thus many measures were taken to reform it.Among all reform meas-ures,the most special one was “comprehensive school”,which was introduced from the other side of the Pacific Ocean between 1922 and 1933.Comprehensive school amalgamated regular middle school,normal school,and vocational school.As the new trial of education in modern industrial society,comprehensive school was considered as the model of “ideal secondary school”.However,this kind of school did not fit the agriculture-dominated Chinese society at that time and led to many problems which negatively influ-enced the development of teacher education and vocational education.Eventually,comprehensive school became a historical noun as this model cannot accelerate the realization of education popularization.Facing international trend and national needs,the exploration of new “comprehensive school”are encouraged in National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform and Development Program.Such an action implies that we need to pay attention to the historical experience,rather than hold the idea that “our country should have what other countries have”.



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