首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >国际学生评估项目(PISA)对学校课程影响--成绩排名、标准化及学校课程炼金术




国际学生评估项目(PISA)①测试的本质是通过理性系统、“实践性知识”对学校课程知识进行排序、分类和鉴别。尽管 PISA 为世界多个国家教育的发展提供了横向比较的成绩排名,政府也常常参考这些成绩排名来制定和改进本国的教育政策,但我们很少注意到:PISA 排名来源于发达国家教育一整套分类细密的实践性知识。这些知识在学校教育教学中起到了类似于课程“炼金术”一样的作用,在这种炼金术的催化下,凝练成指导学生种种行为和思维模式的规范。各国在追求以 PISA 测试模式来改进本国课程体系时,很少意识到发达国家正是通过这样一整套适合当代西方知识社会的规范性要求,影响着世界各国课程改革的进程。%The essence of OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)is to or-der,classify and identify school curriculum knowledge through the system of reason and practical knowl-edge.PISA has provided a rank to compare education development among countries and has been referred by many governments to make and modify education policies.However,we seldom notice that PISA origi-nated from a set of detailed classification of practical knowledge in the developed countries.Such knowl-edge plays a role as “alchemy”of school curriculum,making the knowledge as norms guiding students’be-haviors and thoughts.While using PISA to improve their curriculum system,few countries realized west-ern countries are influencing the process of curriculum reform in many countries with such asset of norms fitting western knowledge society.



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