首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >科学教育中模型定义及其分类研究述评




__摘_模型和建模研究目前已成为国际科学教育的重要研究议题之一,越来越多国家的科学教育标准强调模型和建模的作用,并将其纳入学业要求中。深入理解模型是科学教育研究者和教师有效开展模型和建模研究及进行模型相关教学的重要基础。模型定义和模型分类是认识模型的两个重要方面。模型定义的核心内容为模型是事物的表征,事物的内涵广泛,包括实物、事件、过程、概念、观点和系统等。基于模型功能的视角可以将模型分为八类:尺度模型、类比模型、图像和符号模型、数学模型、不表示数学关系的图表和表格、理论模型、概念-过程模型、系统模型。每类模型的功能和适用范围各不相同,但都可以用于理科教学之中。%Models and modeling has become one of important research fields in science education inter-nationally.An increasing number of countries pay attention to the role of models and modeling and in-tegrate it into the academic requirements in science education standards.In-depth understanding on models is an important foundation for science education researchers and teachers to conduct the studies of models and modeling and model-related instruction effectively.Model definition and model classification are two important aspects of understanding models.The core content of model definition is that model is a repre-sentation of a substance which involves object,event,process,concept,idea,and system.Models are di-vided into eight categories from the perspective of model purposes:scale models,analogy models,iconic and symbolic models,mathematical models,diagrams and tables without mathematical relationships,theo-retical models,concept-process models,and system models.Each type of models is different in purposes and scope of application.All types of model could be used in science instruction.



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