首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >不同程度的残疾儿童适应小学融合环境之影响因素--成果取向之结构方程模型探究




Based on the data from Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study of Taiwan,this re-search identified the factors that affected the adaptation of the third-grade children with special needs in in-clusive elementary school,and used children’s language skill and adaptation state at first grade as media-tors.With AMOS,the research first conducted confirmatory factor analysis and then used multi-group lin-ear structural equation modeling to test the model equation of children with different disability levels.The research found that:(1)factors affecting the children’s adaptation in inclusive settings included the early intervention variance and the early intervention timing;(2)the achievement-oriented view that the earlier the intervention,the better the outcome can only be realized in certain conditions;(3)the language skill and adaptation at the first grade were the mediators in the model;and (4)through invariance test,the children with different disability levels had different paths in the model.%__摘_本研究以台湾特殊教育长期追踪数据库为数据源,探讨早期干预对不同程度的残疾儿童适应小学三年级融合环境的影响,并以儿童的语言表现及入学时适应状态为中介变项。本研究以 AMOS 统计软件进行验证性因素分析,而后进行多群组线性结构方程模型(SEM)验证,检定不同程度残疾儿童的模型恒等性。结果发现:(1)影响残疾儿童适应小学三年级融合环境的早期干预变量包括干预的介入面向及介入时机;(2)以成果取向的「越早进行干预效益越好」的早期干预论点只是在某些条件下才能得以实现;(3)儿童的语言表现及入学时的适应状态是影响其稳定适应小学学习的重要因素;(4)不同程度的残疾儿童在「早疗─小学融合模型」中有不同的路径可走。



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