首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >约翰逊:被进步主义教育运动湮没的进步主义教育家




While Marietta Johnson played an important role in the rise and transmission of progressive education movement,her contributions have been underestimated,which remains a mystery of the pro-gressive education movement.The traditional male-centered historiography of education is one of the main reasons for this phenomenon.Owing to her long-term focus on the promotion of the experiment of School of Organic Education and her commitment to raising more funds for the school,Johnson was too busy to participate in the work of Progressive Education Association.Besides,the radical child-centered theory which she consistently adhered to was difficult to adapt to the change of educational ideology in the USA in the 1930s.These are also pivotal factors that caused the rapid annihilation of Johnson in the progressive education movement.%约翰逊对进步主义教育运动的兴起和传播具有重要作用,但其历史贡献从未得到应有的评价,这成为进步主义教育运动中的一个未解之谜。传统的男性中心教育史学是造成这种现象的重要原因之一。约翰逊本人长期专注于推广有机教育学校实验、为学校募集更多经费而无暇参与进步主义教育协会的工作,她始终坚持激进的儿童中心论而难以适应20世纪30年代美国教育意识形态的转变,同样是其被进步主义教育运动快速湮没的关键因素。



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