首页> 中文期刊>辽东学院学报(社会科学版) >论《红楼梦》容庚藏抄本之底本——与夏薇《“籀红室藏本”和一段旧公案——〈红楼梦〉120回抄本系列研究之一》商榷




依据抄本的缮写避讳形式,推断《红楼梦》容庚藏120回抄本的形成时代在道光元年之后。据此,进一步比勘此抄本与当时坊间流传的其他刻本之间的文本异同现象,论证容庚藏本实乃远于脂本、程甲本和东观阁本版本系列,而更近于程乙本版本系列。通过异文举证,考定该抄本在缮写时很可能参校了道光壬辰王评本;并以光绪丙子王评本、光绪大观琐录本等佐证容庚藏抄本并非《红楼梦》早期版本。同时,证伪了"它的存在已经使《红楼梦》120回抄本早于第一个排印本的结论成为可能"之判断。%It is deduced from the hand - writing style that the transcript of 120 - chapter A Dream of Red Mansions reserved by Rong Geng was created after the first year of script with other popular carving copies at that time, Daoguang Period. Further, by comparing this tran- it argues that this transcript is far earlier than Zhi edition, the first Cheng's edition and Dongguan Ge edition. It is similar to the edition series of the Second Cheng's edition. It is determined according to the different texts that this transcript most probably referred to the Wang' s critical notes in the Renchen year of the Daoguang Period. Besides, by taking the Wang' s critical notes in the Bingzi year of Guan- gxu Period and Daguan Suolu edition as the evidence, it is concluded that this transcript is not an early edition of A Dream of Red Mansions . Meanwhile, the judgment, it is possible that the 120 -chapter transcript copy of A Dream of Red Mansions is earlier than the first typesetting and printing edition by the existence of this transcript, is dis- proved.



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