首页> 中文期刊>辽东学院学报(社会科学版) >《红楼梦新证》的学术范式意义--在中华书局新书发布会上的发言




“为芹辛苦”一生的现代学术大家周汝昌先生,通过《红楼梦新证》一书,在新材料发现、新方法创造、新体系建立等方面为一门专学的发展进步做出举世瞩目之重要贡献,也为整个红学学科建构起一个赖以存在的知识论系统。《新证》所创造的超越考据、索隐与文艺评论三大派别的学术新范式,不只为红学研究开拓出继续探索的广阔学术天地,也为中华人文学术之现代重建及再度繁荣,留下独具个性风采的历史文本依据。%In New Evidence for A Dream of Red Mansions, Zhou Ruchang makes remarkable achievements to the development of Redology by providing new materials , method and system for the study .He also builds a episte-mological system for the existence of the discipline of Redology .The new academic paradigm created in the book that surpasses those of schools of textual research , puzzle-out-obscure-meanings and literary criticism not only opens up wider academic field , but also leaves historic textual evidence with unique specific character and appear-ance for the reconstruction and prosperity of Chinese arts.



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