首页> 中文期刊>辽东学院学报(社会科学版) >全球化与中日文化交融的思考与启示




中日文化交流是一个双向的历史过程。在这个历史过程中,文化传播的主要流向并非始终如一,而是呈现出发生变换的情形,即在不同的历史阶段,中日文化交往的主要流向截然相反。因此证明一国文化在国际交往活动所处的位置是主动还是被动、是高位还是低位、是主要流出还是主要流入,最终由其综合国力所决定;文化的生命力取决于它所具有的适应社会发展需求和推动社会发展的价值;文化交流的结果一定是融合,但在融合中独特和传统依然会延续。融合是相对的,差异是绝对的。全球化并非追求无差异的单一文化,中华文化走向世界也并非推行文化扩张。应当适应全球化的客观要求,建立尊重差异、包容多样、平等互动、推进融合的文化交流机制,改变西方强势文化主导国际关系和国际秩序的现状,最大限度地减少文化冲突带给人类的破坏性作用。%Cultural exchange between China and Japan is a two -way process.The main flow direction of cul-ture dissemination has not been the same .The comprehensive national power decides the position , status and cul-ture flow direction in international cultural exchange .The vitality of culture depends on its value in meeting the de-mand for social development and advancing the society .The exchange definitely results in cultural blending , but the uniqueness and tradition of one culture will still continue .Cultural globalization does not mean to realize an i-dentical culture and the strategy of “to go abroad” of Chinese culture is not to implement cultural expansion .It is needed to suit the objective demand of globalization and found a cultural exchange mechanism of esteeming cultural difference, containing multiple cultures, interacting with equality and promoting cultural blending .The situation that the mighty cultural western culture dominates the international relationship and order should be changed so as to minimize the disaster of cultural conflict to human beings .



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