首页> 中文期刊>计算机应用 >基于磁盘和固态硬盘的混合存储系统研究综述




大数据和云计算环境下海量增长的数据对存储系统的超高容量和体系结构带来了极大的挑战.目前存储系统的发展趋向于大容量、低成本和高性能,然而任何单一的存储器件如传统的机械磁盘(HDD)、固态硬盘(SSD)、非易失型性随机存储器等由于其固有的物理特性的限制,并不能满足以上的需求.将不同的存储介质混合组合成高效的存储系统是一个好的解决方法,固态硬盘作为一种高可靠性、低能耗、高性能的存储器被越来越广泛地运用到混合存储系统.通过将固态硬盘与传统磁盘进行组合,利用固态硬盘的高性能和传统磁盘低成本大容量的特点,能够为用户提供大容量的存储空间,保证系统的高性能,同时还能降低成本.通过阐述SSD与HDD混合存储系统的研究现状,对不同的SSD与HDD混合存储系统进行分类总结;然后针对缓存架构和设备同层架构这两种目前最流行的存储架构中涉及到的关键技术和不足进行讨论;最后对基于SSD和HDD的混合存储技术进行概括总结,并对今后该领域的研究重点和方向进行展望.%The explosion of data in big data environment brings great challenges to the system structure and capacity of storage system.Nowadays,the development of storage systems tends to be large capacity,low-cost,and high performance.Meanwhile,storage devices such as conventional rotated magnetic Hard Disk Drive (HDD),Solid State Drive (SSD) and Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) have limitations caused by their intrinsic characteristics,leading to the fact that a single kind of storage device cannot meet the requirements above.Hybrid storage which utilized different storage medium was a good solution to this problem.SSD,as a kind of memory wiht high reliability,low energy consumption,high performance is more and more widely applied to hybrid storage system.By combining magnetic disk with the solid-state drives,the advantages of the high performance of SSD and the low-cost,high-capacity features of HDD were taken.The hybrid storage could provide users with large capacity of storage space,guarantee the system's high performance,at the same time reduced the cost.The current research status of the SSD-HDD hybrid storage system was described,different SSD-HDD hybrid storage systems were summarized and classified.In view of two different HDD-SSD hybrid storage architectures,the key technologies and insufficiencies of which were discussed.Prediction of trend and the research focus in the hybrid storage future were discussed at last.



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