首页> 中文期刊> 《针灸临床杂志》 >腹泻型肠易激综合征脐疗用药归经规律的现代文献研究




Objective:To sum up the delivery regularity of navel therapy for treating IBS -D through the sum-mary and analysis of recent literature on medication -related navel therapy for treating diarrhea -predominant irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS-D) .Methods:Taking China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database as information retrieval source , the recent papers from 1998 to 2013 about IBS-D treated by navel therapy were retrieved.Through summary and analysis of the statistics ,the meridian tropism of traditional Chinese drug used in navel therapy of IBS -D was concluded .Results:Herbs of navel therapy for treating IBS -D were 68 .Among these, spleen meridian was 40;liver meridian was 28;stomach meridian was 27.Conclusion:Herbs entering spleen meridian , liver meridian and stomach meridian are the most frequently used .%目的:总结脐疗治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征( IBS-D)的临床用药归经规律,为脐疗治疗IBS-D选方用药提供指导. 方法:以中国学术文献网络出版总库( CNKI)为检索源,检索1998~2013 年之间发表的运用脐疗治疗IBS-D的相关期刊文章,初步总结脐疗治疗IBS-D的用药归经规律. 结果:脐疗治疗IBS-D用药共68味,归脾经40味,归肝经28味,归胃经27味,归肺经24味,归肾经23味,归心经18味,归大肠经15味,归胆经6味. 结论:脐疗治疗IBS-D的用药以归脾经、肝经和胃经为主.



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