首页> 中文期刊>楚雄师范学院学报 >仪式的缺失与重构:双柏彝族祭山神的人类学考察




Yi people used to worship mountain - gods. Sacrifices to mountain - gods used to be one of the most rites among all sacrificial activities. In the 1960s and 1970s, this rite was prohibited. After the 1980s, the simple sacrifice offerings revived due to the efforts of influential scholars and activists in Yi culture. On March 6, 2011 (Lunar calendar February 2) , Mountain -Gods Sacrificial Rite in Ta Yilong village, Shuangbai tial scholars, cultural activists, local people were conducted with the appeal and support of influenand local government. It is an important landmark in the revival of large - scale sacrificial rites. However, more work must be done to integrate all supports in preserving the sacrificial rites.%彝族曾盛行山神崇拜,祭山神是彝族民间最隆重、最庄严的祭祀仪式之一。20世纪印至70年代,祭山神仪式被强行禁止,20世纪80年代后,在一些彝族民间文化精英和学者的推动下,简单的祭祀仪式逐渐复兴。2011年3月6日(农历二月初二),云南双柏县他宜龙村彝族祭山神仪式是在当地文化精英的倡导,“草根”力量的响应和推动,专家学者的参与和支持,当地政府默许的一次较大祭祀仪式的复兴和重构。但群体性的祭山神仪式能否走下去,每个环节都要发挥各自的作用,缺一不可。



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